SDG #2 Zero Hunger 

Extreme hunger and malnutrition remain a huge barrier to development in many countries. 795 million people are estimated to be chronically undernourished as of 2014, often as a direct consequence of environmental degradation, drought and loss of biodiversity. But even in developed ‘first world’ countries like New Zealand, there are still families and children that live with hunger.7.3% of New Zealand households are experiencing low food security and frequently have insufficient food.

Food insecurity occurs when people do not have consistent access to sufficient, nutritionally adequate food. More recent research tells us that food insecurity among low income groups in New Zealand is increasing. This means that more and more New Zealand’s families are struggling to put enough food on the table.

Helping to solve this issue involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices: supporting small scale farmers and allowing equal access to land, technology and markets. In New Zealand, it also requires a closing of the growing income gap between the fed and the hungry.